
President instructed to ease tax burden on food donor companies

Following a meeting with representatives of the business community on March 26, the President instructed the Government to abolish corporate tax and VAT on food donated to non-profits.
Today, for businesses, the total fiscal burden on the charitable transfer of products reaches 40%. The President of Russia was told about this by Julia Nazarova, head of the largest food bank in Russia, Rus.

The list of instructions following the meeting was published on on April 11.

If the amendments are adopted, as early as 2020, when determining the base for income tax, taxpayers will be able to include in the structure of non-operating expenses the cost of food products (except alcohol and tobacco), donated to non-profit organizations. In addition, an instruction was given to change the accounting of VAT paid during transactions with goods subsequently transferred to charity.
2020-04-12 11:00 Regulations