A request has been sent to the Ministry of Digital Development to include 1mlntons.ru in the list of socially significant sites available in Russia for free
The Russian Association of Electronic Communications (RAEC) asked the Ministry of Digital Development to consider including the site of the 1 MILLION TONS project in the register of websites that are available free of charge throughout Russia. The non-profit project 1 MILLION TONS aims to reduce food loss in Russia through food sharing. The amount of food waste in Russia reaches 17 million tons annually, while more than 20 million people in the country live below the poverty line. Thanks to the project’s website, more people will have free access to information on food sharing. This can help save more products and provide them to the people in need. Russian President Vladimir Putin has already noted the importance of developing food sharing in his instructions to the Government of the Russian Federation following a meeting with representatives of the business community on March 26. The instructions suggest a reduction in the tax burden for companies participating in charitable food sharing.